oh hi, thanks for checking in, I'm 🎶still a piece of GARBAGE🎶 - bill wurtz (2015)
Someone who keeps on experimenting their artstyle
also known as DGS15 in other stuff (or in some cases, degs15 or GrizzlyGaberiel)

Gabriel @GrizzlyGabriel

Age 19, Male

kitten dad

the most catholic university

Philippines (no cure)

Joined on 4/20/21

Exp Points:
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5.48 votes
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> 100,000
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1m 1d

Helltober - School & Work Combined (Week 4)

Posted by GrizzlyGabriel - November 6th, 2022

Hello, Every Welcome back to my four-part series of me ranting about how stressful October is! And I mean that in a literal sense!

So I was initially going to make this blog post like at the end of October when I finished uploading my Halloween art, but I had so many shits I needed to do in a short amount of time that I had to delay this blog post again and again until the storm has finally calmed itself.

So, where have I been up to? Well, first of all, school is still reminding us that we are all fucked and that we'll be having our midterms NEXT WEEK. So I have to prepare as much as I can if I want to survive armageddon. Writing down notes, reviewing the books, and answering activities; are really trying to hype this disaster for us. I was also making a video for my ICT subject about the 12 principles of animation but like what week 3 happened, I didn't manage to add in enough progress for it to be done. Once I did manage to finish the majority of my assignments, I quickly edited the video as fast as I can using the limited time I got, only to be hit in the balls that I already missed the deadline. But hey, it's done, it's finished, whatever, I'm glad I finished it.

SPEAKING OF ANIMATION, I finally finished my submission for the sketch collab! Although it was stressful, I had a ton of fun animating it and I'm super proud of how it turned out, I'm so excited for you guys to see it in action! I don't know if I want to continue doing more animation, since it takes a lot of skill and time (trust me, time is your valuable asset), I don't know if I have the sanity it takes to pursue animation. But hey, at least I know I have the talent and skill to at least make one. And who knows, maybe I might continue doing more animation in the future or participate in next year's sketch collab because I see it as an opportunity for me to leave out of my comfort zone and try out animation. But, anyway, I hope you'll all love it and I'm glad I get to participate with so many talented people! :)

Anyway, moving on to my art in general, I already posted my Halloween art and I got to say, I'm really proud of it. It's the first time in a while I do pixel art, the last time I did pixel art was somewhere in 2018 or 2019 and I was still a novice at it and I still am but I gotta say, I'm really digging it. It was also out of my comfort zone to try and lean in on more horror and supernatural stuff because I was so scared of how many religious themes I added into the artwork that I had to ask my discord friends asking if it was ok and the feedback came back positive (why yes, I am a petrified coward). But hey, even though it is my least viewed artwork up-to-date, at least it got the attention of Airdorf that he retweeted it. (fanboy moment :D)


I might do a timelapse for it later but I'm kinda busy right now so maybe in the near future.

Anyway, I think that's all the things I wanted to say right now, still idk on what my next artwork would be, I have many ideas and it's hard to choose one. There's a project I haven't done any progress on because I can't think of what I should draw on it. And uuuhhh yeah, that's it. See ya!


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