oh hi, thanks for checking in, I'm 🎶still a piece of GARBAGE🎶 - bill wurtz (2015)
Someone who keeps on experimenting their artstyle
also known as DGS15 in other stuff (or in some cases, degs15 or GrizzlyGaberiel)

Gabriel @GrizzlyGabriel

Age 19, Male

kitten dad

the most catholic university

Philippines (no cure)

Joined on 4/20/21

Exp Points:
1,662 / 1,880
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
5.48 votes
Art Scouts
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
1m 1d

GrizzlyGabriel's News

Posted by GrizzlyGabriel - February 2nd, 2023


I want to keep this brief so lets just get straight into the point.

For the past few months i've been less active than lately, i posted my secret santa art; made a couple of sonic art tweets on my twitter and that was it. Ever since i posted my october update, i wanted to do a follow-up update on november but i didnt manage to because of midterms and i was feeling tired up to this point but then secret santa event happened and despite stating how tired i was, i still decided to press on join the event just to go out this year with a bang. I put in a serious amount of effort i can in it so im glad it turned out well.

It was new years and my current state wss not the best. I was still recovering from the shit storm from school and i really wasnt feeling myself lately and so from january, my mental state was in rock bottom and i didnt feel very active to focus online again. And so now, here we are today. Its now february and next next week, i'll be having my exams and not to mention i have a shit load of quizzes we need to do including math so before i go tackle them all, im gonna do one last major artwork for today and then I'll take a break from social media until i can fully compose myself. I'll try my best participate in the supercell make challenge before the deadline so wish me luck if i can win lol and if i didnt finished it, then its fine. Anyway, its like almost 6am and i need to do my assignments, god i hate my school. I'll see you guys soon.


Posted by GrizzlyGabriel - November 6th, 2022

Hello, Every Welcome back to my four-part series of me ranting about how stressful October is! And I mean that in a literal sense!

So I was initially going to make this blog post like at the end of October when I finished uploading my Halloween art, but I had so many shits I needed to do in a short amount of time that I had to delay this blog post again and again until the storm has finally calmed itself.

So, where have I been up to? Well, first of all, school is still reminding us that we are all fucked and that we'll be having our midterms NEXT WEEK. So I have to prepare as much as I can if I want to survive armageddon. Writing down notes, reviewing the books, and answering activities; are really trying to hype this disaster for us. I was also making a video for my ICT subject about the 12 principles of animation but like what week 3 happened, I didn't manage to add in enough progress for it to be done. Once I did manage to finish the majority of my assignments, I quickly edited the video as fast as I can using the limited time I got, only to be hit in the balls that I already missed the deadline. But hey, it's done, it's finished, whatever, I'm glad I finished it.

SPEAKING OF ANIMATION, I finally finished my submission for the sketch collab! Although it was stressful, I had a ton of fun animating it and I'm super proud of how it turned out, I'm so excited for you guys to see it in action! I don't know if I want to continue doing more animation, since it takes a lot of skill and time (trust me, time is your valuable asset), I don't know if I have the sanity it takes to pursue animation. But hey, at least I know I have the talent and skill to at least make one. And who knows, maybe I might continue doing more animation in the future or participate in next year's sketch collab because I see it as an opportunity for me to leave out of my comfort zone and try out animation. But, anyway, I hope you'll all love it and I'm glad I get to participate with so many talented people! :)

Anyway, moving on to my art in general, I already posted my Halloween art and I got to say, I'm really proud of it. It's the first time in a while I do pixel art, the last time I did pixel art was somewhere in 2018 or 2019 and I was still a novice at it and I still am but I gotta say, I'm really digging it. It was also out of my comfort zone to try and lean in on more horror and supernatural stuff because I was so scared of how many religious themes I added into the artwork that I had to ask my discord friends asking if it was ok and the feedback came back positive (why yes, I am a petrified coward). But hey, even though it is my least viewed artwork up-to-date, at least it got the attention of Airdorf that he retweeted it. (fanboy moment :D)


I might do a timelapse for it later but I'm kinda busy right now so maybe in the near future.

Anyway, I think that's all the things I wanted to say right now, still idk on what my next artwork would be, I have many ideas and it's hard to choose one. There's a project I haven't done any progress on because I can't think of what I should draw on it. And uuuhhh yeah, that's it. See ya!

Posted by GrizzlyGabriel - October 23rd, 2022

Hello, Every Welcome back to my four-part series of me ranting about how stressful October is! And I mean that in a literal sense!

I'm just going to make this short, cos' I'm very busy at the moment with Math and I'm currently writing out notes one by one.

Last week, I said that week 2 wasn't so stress-inducing, welp; that didn't last long lol. Because now, I have four essential assignments I need to do that require recording, doing some interviews, and more of my skills so I'm pretty heavy on tasks I need to do. First, I have to make a three-minute fake commercial before October 26, Second, I need to interview someone to know his/her strategies for developing their interpersonal/intrapersonal skills, Third, I need to do an interview AGAIN; this time, about the experience they had from the Mt. Pinatubo eruption, Fourth, I have to "animate" a story. Three out of Four of these assignments were from the SAME TEACHER, at least give us some time to breathe! Listen, I have nothing personal with him, I think he is a good person at heart, but if you have given us this amount of stuff to juggle; you can at least give us a heads-up. At least our other teacher who gave the fourth assignment was generous enough to know our current predicament and gave us plenty of time to finish it so praise be her!! Tysm!!

So yes, I am trying my best to juggle each assignment one at a time and it doesn't help that we have MIDTERMS COMING UP NEXT MONTH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Yeah, this is fine.

Ok, so moving on to Newgrounds stuff, as for my sketch collab submission, there has been minimum progress so far. I mean, there is progress but I'm not halfway there to finish it. I couldn't put in enough progress last week as I was pretty pooped out from week 1 and I needed some rest but I did take enough references I needed to progress to the next scene so maybe in my spare time, I can try and squeeze in to finish my next scene but with the number of assignments, let's just hope and see. As for the Halloween art contest, I still have the idea in my head, I just haven't drawn a draft for it just yet because I do not think it isn't ready enough to be a full drawing but now, I think I have a clear view of what my drawing will look like and I hope that it looks intended as it is in my vision so I might work on it on my spare time as well.

For some art stuff, there's still nothing. I do have some drawings I want to do a quick drawing for this week but I don't know.

So uuuhhh yeah, that's all I have to say right now. I don't know what to write in this blog because there is so much stuff throwing at me left and right that it has left me dazed at this point so uuuhhh, yeah so you guys next week. See ya!

Posted by GrizzlyGabriel - October 16th, 2022

Hello, Every Welcome back to my four-part series of me ranting about how stressful October is! And I mean that in a literal sense!

Last week, I talked about how the first week of October has been a nightmare-inducing week that will forever haunt me for the remainder of the month. But thankfully, that isn't the same with week 2; it is still tedious as ever but not the same vain as week 1 so I finally manage to take a breather for once. The only stressful parts about week 2 are that I and my groupmates had done a visual presentation for our Komunikasyon subject. And also I and my other groupmates (not the same as the other group) had to do another presentation on ICT. Both of them required me to use my drawing and creative skills to make the presentation appealing and enjoyable and I'm glad it turned out great (although my speech needs improvement lol).

And that was all it for Week 2, honestly, not as bad as week 1 but it did tease some upcoming activities I need to do for week 3 so I shouldn't get my hopes up.

For week 3, I'm gonna have to do a video recording of my self-introduction as well as making a 3-minute fake tourism commercial. Both of these assignments are for my Oral Com subject. Regarding the self-introduction video, I can handle it; I'd say I might do it tomorrow but for the commercial, yeah that might be tough considering it needs to be a location where you actually visited. Luckily, I and my family went on a trip to Baguio on my birthday so I have all the materials and assets I needed to make the commercial. And better yet, the deadline was supposed to be October 19 but delayed it to an unspecified date so I have more time to prepare for my commercial video.

(here's a photo I took from the balcony of an art museum)


Anyway, let's move to some of my Newgrounds stuff, and I have great news to talk about. The great news is that there is finally progress on my submission for the Sketch Collab! (WOOOOOOO!!). For almost two weeks, I didn't properly make progress on my submission, I had the concept and idea in mind but I couldn't animate it as I was, of course, busy with all of the school shenanigans. But now that I manage to jump over that hurdle, I can finally put some effort into my submission. And to be honest, I'm really proud of it! I'm completely in disbelief at how good it is considering it is my first time doing a 5-10 second animation. I don't know if it's because I watched a lot of animation tutorials or I watched a lot of cartoons, but I'm overall proud of how it turned out. It's still 1 second long though because I haven't animated the next scene yet but for now, I feel more motivated to continue animating it. I might do it in my free time whenever classes are done but we'll see how it turns out.

For my art stuff, I haven't done anything really :/ I was so focused on the animation that I haven't done anything art-related. But maybe that's good for now since I can focus my creativity on something new and fresh. Regarding my art for the Halloween contest, I don't think I'm not ready yet to draw it because I still need some inspiration for me to fully see the picture. Also, I was planning on doing a Minecraft mob vote artwork for the Minecraft event before it started but just like last year, I missed it lol. I might do it in my spare time since I want it to be quick :P

And yeah, that's all of my concerns and obstacles as of right now. Obviously, I've been taking breaks to help relax my mind a bit like playing Metroid Dread which I just bought like last week as well as playing Deltarune again just because I feel like I want to play it again. (Also, I manage to beat Jevil for the third time and I manage to record it but for some reason, it's been copyright claimed? like wtf? and it's not even the right owner. I'm very confused :/) iu_776763_8998142.png

(also, don't mind the aspect ratio of the video, I just forgot to fix it back to it's original ratio)

(idk when I'll play chapter 2 and try out spamton neo)

Aight, I think I'm gonna end this blog post right here since it's like 1 am in the morning and it's a school night so see yeah in part 3. See ya!


Posted by GrizzlyGabriel - October 7th, 2022

Welcome to my four part series of me ranting on how stressful October is! And I mean that in a literal sense!

As I said before in my last update, I knew that October was gonna be a very stressful month for me and I easily predicted that it would happen because just this first week alone, It has already made me super tired and stressed out that I couldn't properly sleep.

Ok first, let's talk about school because oh boy, that is my main hurdle right now. Just the first week alone, we've been hit by many presentations for us to do; Oral Comms and Earth Science specifically. They were the bane of my existence and I'm thankful enough that I manage to finish them on time. However, what really ticked me off the most was Teachers' Day. Now, don't get me wrong, Teachers' Day is very grateful and should be celebrate, we must thank our teachers for putting in their effort to helping study for our future exams. But, if it majorly conflicted with your current assignments and schedules, you know that it would be a disaster. I could not tell you the amount of bullshit we had to go through in order to prepare for Teachers' Day WHILE ALSO WORKING ON OUR ASSIGNMENTS AND PRESENTATIONS. But, I'm so glad that it was finished. Even though our presentations for Teachers' Day was pretty bad, we still manage to show our gratitude to our teachers so I'm glad they still appreciate our hard work. My school problems is still a major problem right now from hindering any of my art projects but I'm glad I manage to clear around the vast majority of it for now (Unless if they start piling up more assignments and presentations in which case, I'll start LOSING MY MIND-).

Ok now moving on to other art and Newgrounds related stuff, Like I said in my last update, I said that I'll be joining this year's Sketch Collab EVEN THOUGH I have NO prior knowledge or skill on animation. But, I'm still determined in order to participate and I'm glad to say that I am officially join this year's Sketch Collab which is great! I'm thankful that they'll allow to be part of this amazing experience! But I also think it will eventually foreshadow my inevitable work load for the upcoming weeks. "But why did you still join? You said it yourself that school will be a major problem if you're gonna practice animation." Yes, I know. I knew first-hand that once I'll be joining the Sketch Collab, I'll have to overwork my self to the brink of my sanity in order to have it finished so I knew the risk. But, I still wanted to join, even if it kills me. So yes, I knew the pros and cons of my decision of joining the Sketch Collab but I'm willing take the challenge of finishing it before the deadline.

Now for my art projects and stuff, as of right now, I have five major artworks I want to finish right now before the end of October. One of these art projects is specifically important to finish but is something I cannot disclose or discuss of as of right now. If you think it's the Halloween artwork I'm planning, no. It's something else entirely. I might talk about if it's been revealed but right now. I haven't finished it until I can finish my school problems as well.

Ok, I think that's enough me ranting on as for right now. Like what I said, this will be a four part series so next week, I'll discuss more on my progression so far in October. Anyway, that's about it. See ya.

Posted by GrizzlyGabriel - September 29th, 2022


That's already the main highlight of this update blog, no further context is needed lol.

Anyway, it's almost the end of Madness Month and tomorrow will be Spooky Month so you bet I'll be commemorating an artwork for Halloween (I already have my idea in mind.)

As you may notice... I no longer have Newgrounds Supporter enabled! :O

oh and my Madness Day artwork got the front page. *ahem* moving on.

Like I said previously in my last update, I'm not going to renew my NG Supporter subscription because I don't have a job yet and my parents are not too keen on spending my money on a website wherein I can just spend it on something else... like a Burger King Meal. (I only ever used it to change my name to GrizzlyGabriel :P)

For the artworks that I've been working on-like what I said, I am definitely gonna be making a drawing for Halloween, And no, it's not a Pump & Skid/Spooky Month drawing, I'm specifically gonna be drawing an artwork for one of my favorite indie horror games. SPOILER ALERT! It's not Dead Estate. Sorry, Dead Estate, you're one of my favorite games to play on Steam but I have my sights on something else.

As you may have heard, MidgetSausage is hosting this year's Sketch Collab, and even though I have no prior skill or knowledge of animation as a whole (aside from a few tips and tutorials I watched out of boredom), I really do want to try and participate. I already have my idea in mind of what my submission will be for the collab but since I know that animation is a hard and long process, as well as having a lot of school-related problems, I don't know if I can put in the effort to do it so we'll just wait and see if I manage to do it.

Speaking of school-related problems, it's almost been like one month ever since high school started, and my god, it has always been this stressful as I always remember it is. I have some secret projects that I need to be working on right now and school has always been a massive hurdle in-order for them to get completed. I just hope that by the first few weeks of November because my school is really hyping for our first terms.

Time to move on to some other stuff:

I've been getting into Final Fantasy 7 lately since I have nearly burnt out almost 100 HOURS INTO XENOBLADE CHRONICLES 3 (I'm not joking) I wanted to try out some more jrpgs to help ease the burnout I got from playing Xeno 3 (I STILL HAVENT COMPLETED THE STORY BTW). I always had my eye on Final Fantasy 7 for a really long time. I knew really wanted to try and play it but I was focusing on other games like Ace Attorney & Animal Crossing. But when Square Enix announces Final Fantasy 7 Remake as well as Sepiroth (i love you seppy OwO) being a fighter in Ultimate, I knew I had to play it. So when it got a 50% discount on the Nintendo Eshop last week, I knew it was time. After playing it for like 9 hours; getting used to its timed-battle mechanic, I gotta say, I really am enjoying it! I can definitely see how a lot of modern jrpgs can be traced back to Final Fantasy 7. I love it so much that I made this drawing during class:


(don't worry, I am gonna continue drawing more ff7 drawings in my spare time uwu)

I am gonna continue playing it but right now, I need to do my assignments first.

Aight, that's enough about me rambling on about Final Fantasy 7. It's currently like 1:30 in the morning and it's a school night so I need to get some sleep. Ok, that's it, goodbye and goodnight.


Posted by GrizzlyGabriel - August 23rd, 2022

if you are reading this, why? this is acting like some sort of diary blog to let some shit out of my mind ok?

Anyway, this week is an important one because-

number one: I'm almost about to have my first day of school (until they had to move it because of the weather lol)

number two: my summer vacation is coming to an end

number three: tomorrow is my sister's bday so we might eat some ice cream cake (yum)

number four: the Ugasi Show will be having its 1st anniversary and to commemorate this occasion and since I am a nice guy (TOTALLY not in it for the money! *wink* *wink*), I made a drawing which you can check right now.

if you're wondering on how I got a Newgrounds supporter, I won it from a fall guys tournament. Special thanks to BrandyBuizel for gifting me this gift and allowing me to change my username so that it isn't a combination of letters.

I plan on doing some more drawings like a howl's moving castle sketch or another GAA artwork but school is almost about to start so I might work on it from time to time. In the meantime, I'm still thinking about what should be my submission for the Cult of the Lamb Art Contest so that should be my main priority in terms of artworks for now.

I'm trying to continue watching Breaking Bad, I'm still halfway there in season 3, and it's very time-consuming because I'm also playing Xenoblade Chronicles 3 as well. I do want to purchase Cult of the Lamb on my Switch but I also want to play other games I want to try like Metal Gear Rising AND Netflix added Season 8 of Brooklyn Nine-Nine so idk where to start off first :/

Anyway, that's all the things I want to say right now, my Newgrounds supporter will end somewhere around the end of September (I'm too lazy to check) and I'm not planning on paying again for the coming months. Also, Ber months are near and I can hear Christmas jingles in the distance. Ok, that's it, goodbye.


Posted by GrizzlyGabriel - July 27th, 2022

Before I begin, it has been a few weeks now ever since my birthday and I just wanted to say thank you to all of you for sending me happy birthday wishes, I appreciate it :)

So for the past few weeks, I haven't been active lately on Newgrounds, Twitter, Discord, or media in general. That is because I felt burnt out or mentally exhausted from trying to stay active for so long. Aside from the occasional artwork I posted, I didn't have the mental capacity to stay active again for the next month. And so when my birthday month was coming up felt like it was a good time to just take a moment and forget about what is happening on social media altogether. Not worrying about what's trending on Twitter or any news on Newgrounds, just sit back and relax and have a sip of hot chocolate.

I don't know if I will return to be active again next month but I do know that I am just taking my time to enjoy my summer vacation without social media looming on my backside. I got the chance to hang out with my friends at the mall and go on a family road trip. So yeah, this month has just been me "relaxing" in summer vacation.

But, if you think that is it, I'm not done just yet, I just can't reveal of what I'm doing right now but I will reveal it at some point when it's done. For now, I'll have to keep my mouth shut when the time comes.

Anyway, that's all I have to say right now, I have a couple of artworks I'm working on and I'll be meeting up with my friends again at a later date. I'll update you again next month, see ya!

Drawn by: Warvester


Posted by GrizzlyGabriel - June 28th, 2022

hello, hi! how are you? good? great! this great! this is fine!.... heh..... heh...... ANYWAY!

I wanted to make this post for a while now to say that YES I am drawing new stuff as we speak since my last artwork was like last month and that I have been procrastination this entire month trying to be productive but falling face flat into losing motivation and just been binge-watching lupin 3rd part 6 for the rest of the month.

I am currently writing this while being sick just for you to inform me about that and now you have been informed that I am sick. it started around two days ago and it has been a f**king b***h to me, I felt very weak and I kept on sneezing and sneezing, and thank god I've been getting better as of recent. ALSO, in two weeks, I and my family will be visiting Baguio so I want to finish at least 3 or 4 artworks before our trip.

I'm trying to take things slow with my drawings but not too fast because I would just burn out immediately and I'll lose motivation again. that being said, I have two artworks that are almost done and I think one of them will be posted today so stay tuned for that one.

Anyway, that's all I have to say, for now, I'm only writing this so that I can try to stay active on Newgrounds for a while and that I can check out the winners of the Pico Day Contest, play some of the new games as well as the artworks (can't forget about that) but, yeah, I hope that my sickness will soon wear off so that I can go back to work. See ya!


Posted by GrizzlyGabriel - June 4th, 2022

If you want to know whats happening here, read this:
